
Create Your Own Breakfast Skillet


This article has moved to a location on my new website (, click here to read it!


16 thoughts on “Create Your Own Breakfast Skillet

  1. Like! Would you cover the pan? You can have mushrooms? My AIP (Dr. K) says no mushrooms. What do you think about that?

    • Rachel – I don’t cover the pan. I eat mushrooms, even though I know that Dr. K’s protocol does not include them. I think it is because medicinal mushrooms are a Th1 stimulant which can be problematic for some autoimmune patients. I eliminated them in my original elimination diet and found that they made no difference when I reintroduced. I am Th1 dominant so theoretically they would make me worse, but I haven’t noticed anything. 🙂

  2. What a great post! So my style! I love flexibility ❤

  3. Pingback: Skillet Breakfasts | simpleandmerry

  4. I love this post. It shows the simplicity of cooking and eating on a diet that people perceive as very restrictive.

    • Thanks Martin! That is exactly my aim – I am completely in love with cooking and eating, and I refuse to eat the same bland thing day after day. This diet is restrictive, but there are so many delicious and fascinating combinations that can be made with what we can eat. 🙂

  5. sounds great!
    i often do that as well, with whatever is available

  6. That’s exactly how I like to cook some of my fav healthy meals. Whatever veggies and protein I have on hand or a hankering for. The tough part for me is that I use to always have some brown rice or quinoa cooked up and I would add it, now, I’m learning to do without it. But I’m so tierd of hurting and I want a new life and I believe Paleo is the way to better health. Sure do enjoy reading and learning how you and others cook and ideas for what to eat. Thanks!

  7. Pingback: 101 Real Food Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less, Start to Finish | Cooking Traditional Foods

  8. Great combination ideas here – can’t wait to try them out! I’ve done a similar thing with kale, onions, kohl rabi and some cooking chorizo – yum!

  9. Hello-

    I am having a really hard time finding sugar free bacon, I’ve looked at PCC and Whole Foods but to no avail. Where do you buy your bacon?



  10. I’m new to AIP and trying to get my head around it (I’ve got ankylosing spondylosis). This was a recipe that I only had to buy a couple of things to make and was completely do-able. It tasted pretty good too. Thanks so much

  11. Pingback: Skillet Breakfasts – Simple & Merry

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